Developing an online business mindset is critical to the success of an online business. Your online business mindset truly sets the course of your business from day one.People join an online business expecting HUGE results in 2 point 3 seconds and that is NOT how a business of ANY kind is started and grown. A true business takes time to grow and build. There are no shortcuts of ANY kind. So in order to develop the right online business mindset, you have to take a step back and see the grand picture, especially online. Not developing their business mindset causes a lot of errorsWhat you see a lot are people who join an online business, they begin marketing it, and find no success. So then a couple weeks later, they quit that business and join another business, to find the same result. Those I call jumpers. The go from one business to another, only finding pretty much the same result. Maybe the have limited success with one business. But that was not the goal they wanted to achieve.But is that really what the problem is?Not only could it be that your online mindset is out of skew, but it also could be that one does not have the proper skills, know enough marketing methods or the strategies to use them. But rest assured that all comes from your core philosophies about online business.There is a psychological flow of how a mindset is developed, and it goes a little like this. Your core values or philosophies dictate your attitudes, how you feel or react to certain situations. Your attitudes then control what you do, or your actions. Then the actions you take control the results you find out of those action. Then your results dictate your lifestyle or your goals.Philosophy > Attitudes > Actions > Results > LifestyleMost times people jump in mid stream at the actions step and short circuit the entire mindset flow. Why, because they are too eager to get what they want…a different lifestyle. So they get in at the actions step and expect certain results. But as any business person knows there are bumps in the road that will derail you from growing your business. And because of that, eventually, because of bad results, they fall out of the online business entirely.What really has to happen is that they have to take a couple steps back and change their philosophies, their core values, to follow the flow properly. If you do not have your philosophies in the proper format, everything else that follows will fail.When you come into the flow at the actions stage, and you hit a bump in the road, and trust me there will be difficulties in an online business; the step before that, attitude, will dictate how you handle that situation.For instance, if you get in a business and you don’t get the results you want, based on your attitude, how likely are you to stay in the business, let alone be active at all?And that is the reason you see the “jumpers” out on the internet.So one has to get back to their philosophies or core values in order to have online success. Core values could be….Treat this like a business. This is not the lottery. Building an online business takes time, just like any other “real” business.Or since this is a online business, maybe I need to learn more about how to market online properly. Because online business is very much different than a “tangible” business. There are different ways to grow it for success.So if you do not see results in 2 seconds online, that does not mean that the entire online business industry is a scam. That attitude is a result of your core values or philosophies. If one had their philosophies in order, they would know that it takes time to build a business.So if things are not working right in your online business, don’t be to quick to jump to conclusions. Step back, analyze and re-tune your philosophies to get back on the success track.
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